The day started off with our now well rehearsed routine of manhandling what appears to be an ever increasing amount of equipment, to our “base camp” on the west side of the mission building. Then setting out baselines and warning notices and covering the site with coloured flags.

Vera practices some line dancing - or is it break-dancing? - during the coffee break
©Jane Lunnon
We then split up into 3 (and a bit) teams with David, fresh from his Caribbean adventures, and Peter setting of to the sheep wash area with the trusty alidade.
Ruth, Jane and Vera then continued to survey the area around the lower mill pond and associated wheel pit.
Phil and Pat concentrated their efforts to the east of the mission building. Recording the building itself as well as the mounds to the east, one of which has a small wall or revetting at its base, so maybe this is more than just demolition material. They then moved down to nearer the water's edge and surveyed the wall with the intriguing door in it, visible from the shore footpath.
Spring has arrived at last - a dog violet in the old Mill wheel-pit
© Alan Williams
Alan continued to photograph both the archaeology and the increasing numbers of wild flowers as part of the botanical survey.
Another productive day and again the weather was kind to us.
Alan Williams, UWHG webmaster
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