It was a beautiful morning – clear blue skies and just a slight, fresh breeze. As some of our team were at a meeting elsewhere, it was a smaller number of volunteers who turned up this morning. But we managed to get quite a bit done – David continued working on the largest of the mill ponds on the moorside, using the alidade.
Alison made a close inspection of the walls around the Whitfield site, and wandered up the moorside alongside Crookrise Crag – she returned full of enthusiasm and lots of questions about clues she found to the richness of the industrial landscape of the area. With her sharp eye she is already piecing together the clues regarding the stone quarrying, the sled runs, and the development of the boundary walls.
Janis investigated the hollows on the moorside to the north east of our site, and agreed they were probably potash kilns.
Surveying continued as we focused on the water courses and possible sled runs to the west side of the old mill ponds.

We enjoyed a leisurely lunch, entertained by the toads who were venturing out into the spring sunshine. There is already a lot of frog spawn in the mill ponds.
In the afternoon we made a start on the surveying of the embankment of the westernmost mill pond.
Jane Lunnon, UWHG Archivist
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